Some weeks are pretty typical. A little more consistent, less ups and downs. They're few and far between, but nice! This week was one of them. Wednesday was busy with the usual ear infections, pink eye, rashes, and a few fevers here and there. Treson and I monitored recess again and then I continued my morning with cleaning.

Thursday came with some frustration. I walked into the kitchen to eat the banana bread slice that I had saved from the night before, only to find a few crumbs left on the plate carefully labelled with my name on it. I kept telling myself not to be frustrated as I got out the ingredients to make some pancakes, because this was not a new issue.
We have a mom and her three children living with the other seven of us in our little upstairs apartment, and they do not have any problem “borrowing” our stuff or eating our carefully labeled food. I kept reminding myself that maybe they needed it more than I did and continued on with my morning. Afternoon soon rolled around, and by then there had been three more items stolen which I had to go searching for and retrieve. Then the day ended with much of our refrigerated groceries rotting because she decided to unplug the fridge for the entire day so she could clean the freezer and never actually got around to it. I was so frustrated with her!
I marched into our house after running an errand to find our housemate cooking. In the middle of my irritation rising, she looked up and said, "Would you like a sandwich?". All of a sudden I didn't know what to do with myself. "Sure..." I stammered. She put down a very delicious-looking sandwich in front of me and gave me some stolen kool-aid along with a slice of delicious homemade cake. I felt that I was eating a piece of humble pie as I ate and talked with her. "I always make burgers on peoples' birthdays," she said out of the blue. "Is it someone's birthday?" I asked. She responded sadly, "Yes, my sister's, I just can't be there for her today, so I thought I'd make the food that I always do to remember her.” Ouch. I was really feeling bad now! Not that the way she was acting was okay, stealing is always wrong and quite frustrating. However, there is a significant cultural difference. She’s a refugee who escaped her country to come live in Bolivia. She begged on the streets of La Paz to survive for quite a while. She has lived a rough life and is sweet much of the time, I think she just has a very different view of what is okay to take and what isn’t.
We talked for quite a while before I thanked her and went about my night rounds. It was a good reminder from God. Even when I’m rightfully frustrated with someone, it’s important to remember that they’re human too. They come from a different situation than I do and I have to give them some grace.
Friday was a day of the toes. Ingrown toenails are such a struggle here. I know they're common everywhere, but I think the many cuts that kids get in their toenails and the constant dirty water that squishes between their toes makes it worse. I've found tea tree oil-soaked cotton works really well to treat it over the last few months! I started packing yet another toe that evening after worship. She was very brave through the painful process!

I've been at a little bit of a loss as to how to help the guy student missionaries with their new house. They're so busy and overwhelmed, and I finally thought of an idea. I offered to cook Sabbath lunch and they said that would be nice! After church on Sabbath, Maddy, Lisiane, Josy, and I went over to the Guerreros and started making a feast. We rolled tortillas, cooked rice, veggie meat, chopped tomatoes, and made a drink. It was quite a hit and we had so much fun all getting to be together!

Sunday was full of beautiful weather. We played outside with the boys, took them to the store, and cooked some yummy chili for supper. Joselias was in a mood all morning and refused to change his clothes when asked to after getting all wet. Carlo snapped the picture below in the middle of his stubborn moment. Always a challenge, but kind of funny to look back on!
I usually read the worship story in the evening, but Carlo ended up doing it that night. He made up voices for each of the characters in the story and it was so cute watching all the little boys giggle with laughter each time a new voice spoke. There's nothing quite like seeing kids hear Bible stories for the first time.

Monday was an exciting day! My aunt and uncle flew in from the US! Hermano Juan graciously drove me to the airport that morning and soon we were driving down the road toward Familia Feliz. Melissa had agreed for me to take some extra time off to be with them, so we left around 6 to go on a jungle excursion. My day off, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning were spent in the beautiful jungle after taking a 2 hour car ride and 1.5 hour boat ride down the Amazon. It was such a cool experience! For someone who has missed being on the water, in a boat, and swimming for 7 months, it was so wonderful to spend two days exploring the river. We also swam with the pink dolphins! There are pictures of our adventures at the end of this blog.
When I arrived back Wednesday morning, I jumped right back into work. I ended up having to teach 5th and 6th grade in the morning. Afterward, I made rounds of the houses and examined kids who had been injured while I was gone. Several had bullet ant bites and a couple had stepped on nails. One of the nail-steppers was little Alex, a new kid who we don't have any immunization records on. I immediately gathered him and Diego up (Diego for another appointment) and went to the hospital in search of a tetanus shot for him. Unfortunately, they wouldn't give him one in case he had had one when he was four years old, two years prior. I was mystified and frustrated. It was so strange to not ensure that he was protected from this life-threatening disease! I fell to my knees and started praying. Then I started researching natural ways to increase immunity to tetanus and doing all I could. He has stayed healthy so far!
Following the appointment we went to the fruit market so I could get some groceries. I bought them each a pear and they very proudly marched down the road chewing on their treats. Then we went out to ice cream with some other kids who Melissa had taken to town. They were doubly excited!
It was also international women's day on Wednesday, which they make a big deal of here. I got lots of sweet cards from the kids which made my day!

This week reminded me to have understanding. Understanding of people, situations, and other cultures. It's hard to take a step in another person's shoes sometimes, but it can make a situation so much better. I certainly don't have that down to a science, but I'm learning! I'm grateful that God puts me in situations to remind me to do so and I encourage you to do it next time you're frustrated too!
Yay, super fun to see!